Many times history has shown us that there are events that can exceed expectations and even understanding contemporary descendants. Twists were so sudden, so many radical changes that come to position ourselves serious questions of human behavior. Of course, there are situations in which an action real reasons remain forever consigned to oblivion and probably here derive a series of unexplained happenings. In order not to be taken by surprise by the events to come, I thought to talk today about some events not taken into account, but certainly tend to make major changes in the near future.
I think few people for who is an unknown explosive situation in Kashmir. There, irrational struggle and frustration collected over time creates a bleak picture of what humanity can become a time-point. Like any self-respecting conflict zone, the Kashmir seems to have a solution that is fit. Moreover, tend to believe that a solution does not exist just kept things under control. The area is divided between three countries: India (~ 2 / 3 of the territory), Pakistan (~ 1 / 3) and China (two regions that claim both India and Pakistan). Between India and Pakistan there is a conflict, a permanent threat and, moreover, an arms race blind. Both countries have atomic weapons, which is worrying for the whole area. China is not part of the conflict, but Pakistan says the girl that arms it with kindness. The reason you on the one hand the traditional policy of China and, on the other hand, the disagreements between China and India. With all the things that seem clarified, it seems that there is a shadow player who decided to change the whole equation.
How about the Indo-Pakistani understanding? Sounds crazy, huh? To end a conflict that takes a lifetime to a reconciliation and perhaps a deep friendship is more than crazy. As an observer of the conflict itself tangential I can not see how relations between the two countries thaws with great speed. Everything seems to be started with an official Indian said neintrebat virtually anyone, that there is a barrier to trade between India and Pakistan. Echo has not left waiting and in business circles Pakistan, began to talk about a normalization of trade relations between the two countries. Moreover, Islamabad began to spread rumors on the benefits that could be of Indian goods to transit ... Afghanistan. Even if it seems incredible, similar statements are heard increasingly often.